Distant Tolerable Murders is a project by the curators' duo, Lada Nakonechna (UA) and Anna Łazar (PL), developed as a series of anti-propaganda posters for billboards in the center of Berlin on the topic of the Russian war in Ukraine. Posters were created collectively in Ukrainian-Polish unions. On this project, Kasia Hertz (Kultura Kresu) collaborated with Ukrainian artist, Nastia Teor. This is what Nastia wrote about the process:
"Kasia and I talked a lot about the common problems of Ukrainian and Polish people, propaganda and the media division of war, gaslighting by richer states of poorer ones, at that moment it was this that resonated most with us. We also thought about the place of exhibiting and researched the war history of Alexanderplatz in Berlin. We learned that there used to be a sculpture of Berolina, which was a symbol of the city, and it (as always happens with "feminine") was melted down into a weapon and forgotten, but this is just an interesting fact and was not included in the poster. We also thought about who this poster would talk to and how. Our first sketches were aggressive and alarming because the project was being prepared for May and at that moment there was an urge to shake everyone and shout into their ears using megaphones. When the project was moved to autumn, it became obvious that the "tone" had to be changed, because during the summer months of the war it became very clear how many people prefer to ignore the war and build a protective armor against such messages. Actually, "soft power" and fighting with love and care are approaches that are close to both of us. In addition to tone, we drew attention to how in Western society, and in Berlin, in particular, interest in alternative "magical" knowledge was gained in recent years, especially among "young" people. The TV tower is a symbol with which we worked from the very beginning, because the place of the exhibition is the square around the TV tower in Berlin, and at the same time when we started cooperation, the Russian army bombed the TV tower in Dorogozhychi area in Kyiv not far from my house, a young family died in this accident. The TV tower is a symbol of propaganda and media. The Tower in the tarot means full-scale fucked up changes – sudden, shocking, such that completely turn life upside down. You can find more detailed readings on Tik Tok by hashtag #TowerMoment, and young Berliners should recognize this prophecy. We translated "Achtung" and "Attention" from the first sketches to Gen-Z-dialect "Stop scrolling", with full preservation of the meaning. The TV tower is struck by lightning in the form of Nord Stream-2, GazLightning itself, and ash falls on the city. Tower card also predicts a new full more interesting life after that collapse. But it will start only when shit is taken care of. Our message to western society is to stop endless scrolling for a second and pay attention to the fact that the ashes already fell on their heads and new life won’t start if collapse is ignored and people do not change their habits and outdated principles of interactions.
The poster can be found at Grunerstr. Ufg. Richtung Alexa re./Alexanderplatz until September 19!